Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Money dominates and controls most of our lives. Wealth is the greatest goal…and those who build obscenely enormous hoards of personal wealth are the new heroes, the new Gods.
Life is an endless repetition of paying bills, loans and taxes and buying objects and services that we feel we cannot do without.
Over 70% of our waking lives is spent in earning, managing and handling money.
The remaining 30% is spent in spending or worrying about money.
Thus, we squander our most precious possession…the days/hours/minutes of our lives …on the frantic pursuit of money. Only a very small percentage of individuals is actually able to pursue careers that they truly passionately enjoy and believe in as a means to earn money. The vast majority are forced to compromise and do whatever it takes, regardless of their personal interests.
Schools and colleges are factories to create workers who will docilely use the best years of their lives to earn money. Children are educated with the goal of getting the best-paying job. They emerge from the education system to spend the next 40 -50 years of their lives on the treadmill of earning money….by fair means or foul.
It's good to remember a few things about money:
You can’t eat money.
You can’t take it with you when you die.
You can’t buy peace of mind or love or happiness or fulfilment with money.
You can’t replace the precious time of your life that you spent chasing money.
Earn money – honestly and doing what you believe in. Earn enough to live decently and comfortably. But don’t let the blind pursuit of money ruin your life.
 Give enough time for your soul’s pursuits as well…for fun, for love,for family, for creativity, for fellowship and sharing.
When you are facing death, will you suddenly regret the precious moments, hours, days, years that you lost chasing money ?
You were born to discover greater treasures. Don’t let money block you in your true journey. Every moment of your life is a precious gift…and carries within it the secret of infinity, eternity and bliss beyond all measure.
Re-discover your treasure. Here and NOW!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Teach Your Children

Teach your children to be whole and centred and confident.
Teach them by example, by sharing, by listening, by being.
Help them discover the magic in their own hearts…and in Nature.
Let them be curious, questioning, laughing, exploring, wonder-struck.
Help them build their character and their inner strength, their courage and indomitable persistence in the teeth of opposition, their certainty in their own ability and inner truth.
Be protective and nurturing, but also let them make their own mistakes and learn in their own way, just as you did.
Teach them, by your being and by your example, that the greatest treasures they possess are the moments of their lives. That money or fame or power are not the real goal …that the state of Being is what counts the most.
Every moment lived in awareness is magical …every moment lived unconsciously is a tragic waste. Let your children truly see!
Let them discover that they are not “mere” human beings but deathless spirits, divine and radiant, one with all creation, eternally.
Let them marvel at the incredible love and joy that pervades everyday reality, the pure perfection of the invisible that is the source and substance of the visible.
Let them feel and experience the web of oneness that is this universe. Let them experience the joy of creativity and revel in the richness of the soul.
Let them grow into beings of Light and compassion and grace.
Let them lift up their heads and be free.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Today is the first day of the New Year.. AD 2009. Another mark on a calendar that tries to structure time . The calendar, like the clock, is a useful tool…creating a virtual time-system that we all choose to agree upon . It helps with basic existence … to set appointments, make plans, create schedules.
But is it real? Reality is timeless, the present moment is eternity. It's all there is.
Use the tool…but don’t let it change your reality.
 Be aware and present, awake in the timeless Now.
 Because this is your greatest treasure, your most precious possession…the moments of your life.
May you stay ever connected in your heart with the truth of your own Being. Thus connected, may you escape the false filter of your ego-mind complex and directly perceive the magic all around you …with heart and gut and spirit.
May you feel the awe and the mystery and the wonder of Life, its many splendours.
May you find infinity in every breath, eternity in every second, awaken once again to the incredible, magical perfection that underlies it all.
May you truly LIVE, bliss singing in your blood, peace echoing with every heart-beat, love shining radiantly in every moment of your fantastic journey.
May the battle become the dance this year!
It’s time - be who you really are: perfect, divine, lighting up your world and all the Universe.
Shine on you crazy diamond!
I wish you a happy New Year.