Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Right Eye


The light of the body is the eye;only let thine eye be single and thy whole body shall be filled with light.” Matthew 6:22, The Holy Bible.

The eye wherein I see God is the same eye wherein God sees me;
my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one vision, one knowing, one love.”
~ Meister Eckhart

The eye jaundiced with fear and hatred sees only darkness and terror.
The eye of love and devotion sees only joy and light.
When you live in duality, delusion creates suffering.
When you merge in the divine Unity, you see only God everywhere.

Dive deep into yourself to find your true nature. 
With unshakable faith, surrender to the One.
Throw away all pretense of greatness: humble yourself in prayer!
If you would know the Beloved, gladly be the dust beneath His feet.

Paradise is your birthright; only your madness prevents you from seeing it.
You dwell in the wondrous perfection of the Most High.
Only let go all your self-importance and look within:
The kingdom of Heaven shines right here and right now!

“That awesome beauty gives us everything; whose fault is it if we go away empty-handed?
 Show me a house where his light does not shine. 
Show me a garden where his grace does not bloom.
His face is seen in the leaf and the stone and the splendour of morning. 
The awakened spirit understands : to grasp God’s beauty, you must become God.” 
Jalal-uddin Rumi. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What Will You Choose?

“ Keep your mind still. The aim of all practices is to give up all practices. Once the mind becomes still, the power of the Self will be experienced naturally.”
“Unless the force that activates thought is driven deeply in and destroyed, it is impossible to enjoy one’s own experience of Jnana. By enquiry, you will drive the thought-force deeper until it finds its source and merges therein. It is only then that you will have the response from within and find that you rest there, destroying all thoughts once and for all.”
“ The mind that has died in the experience of Sivam, which is true jnana, supreme consciousness, will of itself shine as the Supreme Being. That exquisitely subtle mind which, in dying, has transcended all form, will shine as your own Self.”
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, Padamalai.

“ Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness.” Meister Eckhart

Everything that seems to be happening in this world is a reflection of our collective mind.
Humanity is experiencing the dream or nightmare of its own creation.

The only way to escape from a dream is to wake up.
To wake up is to stop the unceasing flow of mostly unnecessary thoughts, of words and images appearing in endless succession, that is the mind.
If one can achieve this thoughtless state, it leads to a profound awareness of oneself: the clear illumination of simply being.
This brings about an experiential understanding of the divine perfection that underlies all creation.

If one can stay in this state at will, one transcends the mind and moves into a dimension of heightened consciousness.
Suddenly, everything changes in the light of this new perspective.
Time and space disappear in this kingdom of heaven on earth.
Now, wherever you look, all that you see is sacred.
No greed, no anger or hatred, no fear or suffering – only light and love and joy.

Throughout history, across the world, human beings of all faiths and cultures have experienced this state of higher consciousness.
They have tried their best to speak of it, to share it with their fellows.
If enough individual humans achieve this evolutionary quantum leap, perhaps the consciousness of the entire race will be transformed.

Will the human race wake up at last ?
Or will it remain trapped in the nightmare of its own making and destroy itself?
This is the most important choice that every human being faces.
What will you choose?

“Silently and serenely, all words are forgotten.
Clearly and vividly, truth appears before you.
When one realises it, time has no limits.
When one experiences it, everything around you comes to life.
Singularly illuminating is the bright awareness.
Full of wonder is the pure illumination.”
 Zen Master Honghzi Zhengjue, circa 1120 AD. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Independence Day


“Discover who you really are and put an end to fear.
You are the bridge between light and darkness, heaven and earth.
You are the creator, sustainer and destroyer of worlds beyond measure.
You are the first-born child of emptiness and energy.
You are the eye that God has become to look upon Herself and wonder!”
From Lightsongs – the book. 

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” ― Rumi

Do not let the fog of fear drag you down – keep your vibration high.
Have you forgotten how you have always been taken care of, for all these many years?
Feel the divine force within you, throbbing at the very center of your being.
It is the life-source, a shield protecting you from all harm.

Like brief rain falling on thirsty sands, this mortal life disappears in the desert of time;
the story of this body was written at the moment of its birth – who knows how and when it will end?
What will be, will be : yet, nothing can mar the immaculate perfection of the unchanging Real.
Remember: you are the beloved child of the Great Mother, only take Her hand and all will be well.

Listen to the trumpet of God resounding in your chest.
Seize the moment: discover the timeless, immortal Self while you still can.
Oh friend! Infinity is right here, eternity is yours right now.
Bowing low in humble surrender, you can experience Heaven on Earth!

Remember, dear one, you are not this limited body-mind complex –
you are one with the Whole that is the source and the substance of all creation.
So be a light unto the world!
Let your life be a soaring, blissful, sacred song of transcendence. 

“ Abide in perfect stillness, with no movement of tongue or mind or body. Behold the effulgence of the Self within – the complete absence of fear, the vast ocean of bliss. Ha, so simple is Atma Vidya!” Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi, Atma Vidya Keertanam.

“ In the stillness of the mind , I saw myself as I am : unbound,infinite! “ Nisargedatta Maharaj

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Eternal Now.


“Blessed, supremely blessed, are they who are installed in the eternal now,
transcending time and place and form and matter,
unmoved by weal or woe or wealth or want,
for in so far as things are motionless they are like eternity.”
~ Meister Eckhart, Sermon 16.

Life seems to be a necklace of days and nights strung together on a string called time. This illusion of movement, of progress, has mesmerised you so that you mistake the ever-changing illusion for the unchanging truth.

As the years flow by in an unstoppable stream, all that remains is a collection of random memories like pebbles scattered on the shore.Is this what you cling to so desperately?

O King of kings, by chasing the mirage, you lost your kingdom – you exchanged the radiant Real for a pipe-dream. You forgot to live.

Lost in the dead past and the unborn future, you squandered your most precious treasure : the moments of your life.

Wake up! Be who you really are.

Reclaim your divine, immortal birthright.

Take your rightful place on the lion-throne of Being and dwell forever in the love and light and joy of the eternal Now.

"My Guru told me — ‘Trust me. I tell you; you are Divine. Take it as the absolute truth. Your joy is divine, your suffering is divine too. All comes from God. Remember it always. You are God, your will alone is done.” I did believe him and soon realized how wonderfully true and accurate were his words. I simply followed his instruction, which was to focus the mind on pure being, ‘I am’, and stay in it.
I used to sit for hours together, with nothing but the ‘I am’ in my mind and soon the peace and joy and deep all-embracing love became my normal state. In it all disappeared — myself, my guru, the life I lived, the world around me. Only peace remained, and unfathomable silence.” 
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, on the teaching he received from his guru.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Beyond Death

“Whether the body perishes now or lasts the age of moon and stars, what matters it to me, having consciousness alone as my body ? What matters it to the sky in the pot, whether it (the pot) is destroyed now or exists for a long time?” – Varaha Upanishad

“May you find that within you which already lives beyond death and begin to live it right now!” Rafe, Benedictine monk.

The fear of death is the root of all fears.

The thought of disappearing into an eternal void, of unrelenting nothingness, fills the human mind with terror.

And yet, every night we slip gratefully into the depths of dreamless sleep, into absolute emptiness that seems to recharge our body and mind and soul.

“I had a wonderful, deep and restful sleep last night – thank God!”

What does this mean? What does this everyday experience tell us?

Deep in the very core of our being, there is a center within us that stays aware and experiences the restfulness and rejuvenation of deep sleep.

What is this center? It is the substratum of awareness that underlies all states – waking, dream and deep sleep. It is pure existence, the life-source, the soul.

The non-stop chatter of the mind veils this center, like a cloud that hides the sun.

Turn all your attention inwards, seek this center with great determination.Thus will you know the state of waking sleep.

As the one-pointed mind dives deep in this search, suddenly, when the moment is ripe, something mysterious awakens.

From the heart of emptiness, radiant silence sings the greatest teaching.

The still mind dissolves in this throbbing center of pure being -lo! the deathless Self shines forth in all its splendour.

In this very moment, you will experience your true, infinite and eternal nature.

This is how you die before the body dies – and discover your immortal divinity.

Live rooted in this state.

All fear, all suffering vanishes in this ocean of blissful peace.