Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Right Eye


The light of the body is the eye;only let thine eye be single and thy whole body shall be filled with light.” Matthew 6:22, The Holy Bible.

The eye wherein I see God is the same eye wherein God sees me;
my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one vision, one knowing, one love.”
~ Meister Eckhart

The eye jaundiced with fear and hatred sees only darkness and terror.
The eye of love and devotion sees only joy and light.
When you live in duality, delusion creates suffering.
When you merge in the divine Unity, you see only God everywhere.

Dive deep into yourself to find your true nature. 
With unshakable faith, surrender to the One.
Throw away all pretense of greatness: humble yourself in prayer!
If you would know the Beloved, gladly be the dust beneath His feet.

Paradise is your birthright; only your madness prevents you from seeing it.
You dwell in the wondrous perfection of the Most High.
Only let go all your self-importance and look within:
The kingdom of Heaven shines right here and right now!

“That awesome beauty gives us everything; whose fault is it if we go away empty-handed?
 Show me a house where his light does not shine. 
Show me a garden where his grace does not bloom.
His face is seen in the leaf and the stone and the splendour of morning. 
The awakened spirit understands : to grasp God’s beauty, you must become God.” 
Jalal-uddin Rumi. 

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