Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Beyond Death

“Whether the body perishes now or lasts the age of moon and stars, what matters it to me, having consciousness alone as my body ? What matters it to the sky in the pot, whether it (the pot) is destroyed now or exists for a long time?” – Varaha Upanishad

“May you find that within you which already lives beyond death and begin to live it right now!” Rafe, Benedictine monk.

The fear of death is the root of all fears.

The thought of disappearing into an eternal void, of unrelenting nothingness, fills the human mind with terror.

And yet, every night we slip gratefully into the depths of dreamless sleep, into absolute emptiness that seems to recharge our body and mind and soul.

“I had a wonderful, deep and restful sleep last night – thank God!”

What does this mean? What does this everyday experience tell us?

Deep in the very core of our being, there is a center within us that stays aware and experiences the restfulness and rejuvenation of deep sleep.

What is this center? It is the substratum of awareness that underlies all states – waking, dream and deep sleep. It is pure existence, the life-source, the soul.

The non-stop chatter of the mind veils this center, like a cloud that hides the sun.

Turn all your attention inwards, seek this center with great determination.Thus will you know the state of waking sleep.

As the one-pointed mind dives deep in this search, suddenly, when the moment is ripe, something mysterious awakens.

From the heart of emptiness, radiant silence sings the greatest teaching.

The still mind dissolves in this throbbing center of pure being -lo! the deathless Self shines forth in all its splendour.

In this very moment, you will experience your true, infinite and eternal nature.

This is how you die before the body dies – and discover your immortal divinity.

Live rooted in this state.

All fear, all suffering vanishes in this ocean of blissful peace.

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