Monday, July 24, 2017

Supreme Love

“That Night that is blazing with the pure, broad daylight of true wisdom, where nothing else delights, nothing else shines, nothing else exists, only the eternal perfect Self shining like a thousand suns……that Night is the Night of Shiva. “
“The experience of Self, which is nothing but the form of supreme love, is that in which the eyes see only love, the tongue tastes only love and the touch feels only love, which is bliss.
Bhagawan  Ramana Maharishi, Guru Vachaka Kovai

In the depths of myself, I am become love, a love that rages through my being like a tempest;
 a grand love, a ferocious, total and unconditional love, elemental as a storm, sharper than a surgeon’s knife.
 It is a deluge that sweeps all away, a raging fire that devours my whole universe, a fierce ecstasy that demands total and absolute surrender.
 Like a sacrifice at the feet of a Goddess, I leap up gladly and offer my head!
 Like a corpse consumed in the flames of the pyre, all that is left of me is a handful of ash.
Rising like a phoenix, my Beloved embraces me, absorbs me, dissolves me like salt in His sea.
No words can describe the ecstatic perfection of that bliss!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Koan of Being

“The death of the mind drowned in the Ocean of Self-Consciousness is the eternal Silence. The real ‘I’ is the Supreme Heart-Space which is the great Ocean of Bliss.” Bhagawan  Ramana Maharishi, Guru Vachaka Kovai

Do you live – or do you just exist?
Do you know why you do what you do, think what you think, feel what you feel?
Do you heed the endless yearning of your soul across all the lifetimes?
Do you know who you really are?
I am the voice crying out in the wilderness, the still, small whisper of truth that echoes in the dark.
I am the lament of ancient prophets, the unheeded message of all the messiahs:
Few will listen, fewer still will hear, will anyone begin to understand?
I am the secret chant of millenniums, the wordless song that is older than time.
I am the single note that holds the thread of all music, the hum of voiceless blessings vibrating in the very marrow of creation.
I am that gasp of wonder, that soundless moan of delight in the infinite bliss of the Heart.
I am the sound of one hand clapping, the chime of the unstruck gong, the resounding bell of Silence.
I am that I am.

Monday, July 10, 2017

I Would

I would like to be a miracle, a fountain, an explosion of infinite love.
I would shine radiant like the sun and give life to all creatures great and small.
I would die a thousand deaths to celebrate the truth of eternal life with all my kind.
I would so gladly share my spoils, my secret treasures of infinite bliss and peace.
Diving into the depths of the Self, I would unlock the spring of divine joy to quench all thirsts.
Like a sacred river falling on the head of God, I would fall, to bring heaven to earth.
I would ring like a bell, echo like a thousand horns, thunder like a forest of drums
 to awaken all the sleepers from their endless dream!
O compassionate lord, shining so perfect in my Heart, accept my sacrifice and set them all free!
As you so graciously and lovingly did for me.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Jivan Mukta's Gift

I am.
I am rich in poverty; though I have nothing, my treasure is greater than that of the greatest emperor.
I am blessed in aloneness; in solitude, the whole universe is my very being.
I am eloquent in silence; stillness speaks of wisdom that no words can ever describe.
I am serene in humility; the humbler I am, the greater my inner glory.
I am absent in action; I do nothing, yet nothing remains to be done.
I am universal in compassion; the sun shines equally upon all.
I am divine in innocence; it is the little child who enters the kingdom of heaven.
I am blissful in love; for love is the source and the substance of everything.
I am infinite in simplicity; being simple is simply being.
I am that I am.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Atma Vichara : Self Inquiry

“Atma Vichara is not mere repeating or meditating on “Who am I? “It is to dive deep into yourself and seek the source from where the “I” thought arises and to hold onto it firmly, excluding all other thoughts. Continuous and persistent attempt will surely lead you to the Self.” Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi.

When I turn my attention inwards, the mind struggles, like a frightened animal, to escape.
Like a piece of straw in a whirlpool, I am caught in the power of grace, drawn inexorably towards extinction in the centre of Being.
Grace outside in that divine gaze blessing me, pushing me inwards;
 Grace inside in that loving Lord shining always in the Heart, pulling me deep into Himself.
My Lord embraces me with infinite love.
There is a throbbing in my chest that is His secret drum.
He is a liquid fire in my being that dissolves everything in great tenderness.
This is where I disappear.
Such a blessed drowning! Such a joyous death!
Such a glorious stillness! Such a vast and perfect peace!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Best Advice

“The Self is realised not by doing something but by refraining from doing anything; by remaining still and simply being what one really is.” Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi.
“You ask what book I should read. The Self is the real book; life, the written pages.
 You can glance anywhere in that book. Nobody will take away that book from you. Whenever you remember, turn towards the Self. This is true book reading. 
Keep your attention introverted. Keep the mind still. That is enough. When the mind becomes still, the power of the Self will be experienced. The aim of all practices is to give up all practices. 
The Self is all pervading. If the mind is in peace then one begins to experience the peace of the Self. Gaze at your own nature. One is everywhere. 
It is all the same whether you keep your eyes open or shut during meditation. Turn within and meditate on the I-ness, your true nature. Be as you are. The whole world is in you, not the other way around. Therein is all truth and happiness. 
Worries do not belong to you. Dive into the silent source of the mind where worries simply cease to exist. Seek the Self and all misery will come to an end.
 Introvert your mind and turn inside out. You will then come to know that a higher power is functioning everywhere. Know that one seer, your Self, and all will be well. 
Just as the sun has never seen darkness, the Self has never seen ignorance. The Self is unknowable, but it can be experienced by direct perception. The state of such experiencing is called Self illumination. 
Whatever is to be in the future is to be understood as impermanent. Learn to understand properly what you are now, what you have now, so that there will be no need of thinking about the future.”

Bhagawan’s advice to Swami Madhavtirtha