Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What Will You Choose?

“ Keep your mind still. The aim of all practices is to give up all practices. Once the mind becomes still, the power of the Self will be experienced naturally.”
“Unless the force that activates thought is driven deeply in and destroyed, it is impossible to enjoy one’s own experience of Jnana. By enquiry, you will drive the thought-force deeper until it finds its source and merges therein. It is only then that you will have the response from within and find that you rest there, destroying all thoughts once and for all.”
“ The mind that has died in the experience of Sivam, which is true jnana, supreme consciousness, will of itself shine as the Supreme Being. That exquisitely subtle mind which, in dying, has transcended all form, will shine as your own Self.”
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, Padamalai.

“ Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness.” Meister Eckhart

Everything that seems to be happening in this world is a reflection of our collective mind.
Humanity is experiencing the dream or nightmare of its own creation.

The only way to escape from a dream is to wake up.
To wake up is to stop the unceasing flow of mostly unnecessary thoughts, of words and images appearing in endless succession, that is the mind.
If one can achieve this thoughtless state, it leads to a profound awareness of oneself: the clear illumination of simply being.
This brings about an experiential understanding of the divine perfection that underlies all creation.

If one can stay in this state at will, one transcends the mind and moves into a dimension of heightened consciousness.
Suddenly, everything changes in the light of this new perspective.
Time and space disappear in this kingdom of heaven on earth.
Now, wherever you look, all that you see is sacred.
No greed, no anger or hatred, no fear or suffering – only light and love and joy.

Throughout history, across the world, human beings of all faiths and cultures have experienced this state of higher consciousness.
They have tried their best to speak of it, to share it with their fellows.
If enough individual humans achieve this evolutionary quantum leap, perhaps the consciousness of the entire race will be transformed.

Will the human race wake up at last ?
Or will it remain trapped in the nightmare of its own making and destroy itself?
This is the most important choice that every human being faces.
What will you choose?

“Silently and serenely, all words are forgotten.
Clearly and vividly, truth appears before you.
When one realises it, time has no limits.
When one experiences it, everything around you comes to life.
Singularly illuminating is the bright awareness.
Full of wonder is the pure illumination.”
 Zen Master Honghzi Zhengjue, circa 1120 AD. 

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