Thursday, April 28, 2016

Hymn To The Mountain

This clay is weak: come you divine Potter and knead it with your grace, pummel it and shape it and burn it in your oven so that it may be a true vessel for your magnificence. Let it be a fine pitcher to hold the waters of your mystery, to feed the thirsty soul lost in the desert of samsara, to bring Life to the very rock frozen in its mirage of death.

This canvas is blank: come you infinite Artist with the colours of your truth, with the brushes of spirit and silence; paint now your masterpiece! May the exquisite images of your secret art blow away the minds of all who witness your cunning craft, so that they may finally awake from the dream of a separate reality.

This reed is hollow: come you immortal Musician and cut holes in it to shape your flute, scrape it and polish it until it sounds like a perfect echo of you. Blow your magic breath, the touch of your lips a blessing beyond compare, the sweet torment of ecstasy in each liquid note dripping with your silence. Such music awakens the dead, drives lovers insane with joy, reverberates endlessly through the very marrow of existence.

This heart is empty: come you eternal Beloved and fill its infinite vastness with your Light, so naught else remains but you!

 Let me melt in that fire like wax in a flame, o you eater of illusion, you divine mountain , you utter and total fire-linga , Om Arunachala!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Safe Harbor of Silence

“Be Still! The greatest truth is Silence! “ Ramana Maharishi

The ten thousand things rise and fall and then return to the source. Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature.” Tao Te Ching.

Can words speak of the mysteries and the miracles of existence? Can language begin to describe the ineffable perfection that lies beyond the mind? Can allegory and metaphor describe the transcendent and the sublime? 
Can the ear of the heart hear the song of silence?

Pure Being is the nothing that is everything. 

This is the Self, that shines like the sun in the Heart.
 The reflected light of the Self gives the mind its subtle form. On the surface of the calm infinite ocean of the Self, this reflection called mind creates the waves of thought; driven by fear and desire, through the brain and the senses, it projects the illusion of the universe and loses itself in the bardo of human life.
O you fearful ego-ship tossed on the stormy sea of samsara, drop the anchor of Self-inquiry deep into your own depths. With the totality of desperation, turn the mind inward deeper and deeper into silence…..release the strong anchor-chain of surrender to its very end. 
Once you are anchored firmly in the sea-bed that is your own true nature, no wave or storm can destroy you….you are forever merged with your swarupa, your Being which is silence.
When that great silence devours the mind, the universe dissolves into void.
And lo! Ship, ocean, waves and storms all disappear in that indescribable perfection of blissful love and peace.
Let your anchor stay buried in the rock of the Self and your awakening will be unshakable as you sail through life. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Children of Immortal Bliss



O you children of the human race, born bright with divine promise, can you grow through the pain and the joy, the heartache and the triumph, the torment and the laughter of the drama that your life will be?
Ah dear ones! Life is a song, a storm, a wild roller-coaster ride across the canyons of time and space.
You God- sparks who chose the movie of form, you have worn this mask of limitations so that you can get lost in your story; so that you can forget who you really are and feel the thrills and chills and spills of another adventure.
As the years flow by like driftwood down a river, will your bliss open your heart, will your tears wash wisdom into your soul?
Do not let the ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” defeat or embitter you – take courage!
Remember: blessings abound, infinite Grace guides and protects you always. As your destiny unfolds, may you once again discover the truth of your Being.
With the greying of time, may wisdom and that return to a deeper innocence re-kindle the Light of your soul.
Dearly beloved, may you find your way home!

Thursday, April 7, 2016


The sun makes no effort: its presence dispels darkness and bestows life and light on all .
Grace is a light that cleanses all stains, dissolves all blocks, unties all knots.
The Guru is the Sun of grace and love infinite.Without motive or intent, desire or discrimination, this radiance shines on all.
Like the glorious sunrise paints the sky with flame, the Lord of my Heart dispels my clouds, my darkness and turns me into Light.
In that new borning, there is no “me” left- only endless peace in the One.
Arunachala Ramanna, sweet Lord of Light ,- shine!
Oh mountain-shiva, eater of egos, - shine!
Thou destroyer of ignorance, dissolver of “I”……shine!