“Unsurpassed and perpetually abiding good
fortune exists only in that deep peace wherein one remains as the Self and in
no other state of being whatsoever.” Bhagavan Ramana
What is that mysterious lifeforce
that animates you?
What is that spirit that words
cannot describe and mind cannot reach?
When the mind subsides in
And attention sinks down into the
depths of Being,
At last the truth is revealed, the
radiant Self,
Shining like a jewel in the Heart.
Here the persona dissolves in
ecstatic bliss,
Becomes boundless space,
Merges at last with the divine love
that is the source and the substance of everything.
This is the Self, eternal, immortal,
infinite and unchanging Being-Consciousness-Bliss.
This is the unsayable, the
indescribable knowing beyond all knowing, the wondrous perfection, the peace
beyond all understanding.
This is Brahman, the treasure that
is your rightful inheritance.
Find this treasure.