Thursday, January 27, 2022

Tao : the Way.

 “Look, it cannot be seen - it is beyond form.
Listen, it cannot be heard - it is beyond sound.
Grasp, it cannot be held - it is intangible.
These three are indefinable; therefore they are joined in one.

From above it is not bright; from below it is not dark:
An unbroken thread beyond description.
It returns to nothingness.
The form of the formless,the image of the imageless,
It is called indefinable and beyond imagination.

Stand before it and there is no beginning.
Follow it and there is no end.
Stay with the ancient Tao,
Move with the present.
Knowing the ancient beginning is the essence of Tao.” Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

The invisible is the source and substance of the visible.
The formless is the origin of all form.
Nothing is the mother of everything.
The true void is the very essence of the Way.

A divine mystery unfolds as this vast universe.
How wondrous are the infinite creations of Nature!
Exquisite perfection flows forth from atomic emptiness.
Marvellous existence is the effortless expression of the Way.

Every soul is always longing for the truth.
Every circumstance that arises is a gift.
Life teaches you all that you will ever need to learn.
Destiny is the supreme compassion of the Way.

The wisest and greatest power of all is silence.
Dwelling in the here and now is  grace.
Acting without doing is elegance born of humility.
Living the teaching is the perfect practice of the Way.

When tranquil mind reflects reality faithfully,
The Heart blossoms in a fountain of  blissful peace.
With the right eye, all that you see is sacred;
Enlightenment is the natural flowering of the Way.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Abide as the Self

With infinite compassion, the sage rises like the life-giving sun,
Blessing all equally with the miracle of his grace.
In every heart, he shines as the flame of immortality.
In every soul, he flowers as the transcendent Self.

The Guru’s silence is the womb and the life-force of  the universe.
Dive into the Heart and surrender at his feet.
Let your mind dissolve in the ocean of his presence
Like the weary river gladly loses itself in the sea.

 My Guru told me — ‘Trust me. I tell you; you are Divine. Take it as the absolute truth. Your joy is divine, your suffering is divine too. All comes from God. Remember it always. You are God, your will alone is done.” I did believe him and soon realized how wonderfully true and accurate were his words.I simply followed his instruction, which was to focus the mind on pure being, ‘I am’, and stay in it. I used to sit for hours together, with nothing but the ‘I am’ in my mind and soon the peace and joy and deep all-embracing love became my normal state. In it all disappeared — myself, my guru, the life I lived, the world around me. Only peace remained, and unfathomable silence.” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, on the teaching he received from his guru.

Find that place where doing ceases and all suffering will end:
Stillness is the gateway to paradise.
Deep in the Heart-lotus, the mind bee is drunk with bliss.
In the absence of thought, only reality remains.

Abide firmly as the Self with perfect equanimity.
Divine awareness is your own true nature.
That which comes and goes can never be real:
Only Brahman exists in eternal, self-luminous joy.

“When the tricky senses are controlled, when mental conceptions are removed, and when one is unshakably established as Self in the Heart, then the knowledge which shines in that state of firm Self-abidance is the real God . Such a true seeing, which is devoid of illusion and deception, is the state in which one shines as the ocean of bliss. Only in the supreme silence which is thus achieved in Self-abidance, will the soul never again have a downfall.” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Just Remember

(For Mihir and and blessings.)

 (Painting By Meena Subramaniam- acrylllic on canvas)

“Discover who you really are and put an end to fear.You are the bridge between light and darkness, heaven and earth. You are the creator, sustainer and destroyer of worlds beyond measure.You are the first-born child of emptiness and energy, zero and infinity. You are the eye that God has become to look upon Herself and wonder!” from Lightsongs- the book.

Remember how extra-ordinary it is to be ordinary.

The magic at the heart of existence spirals outwards in an infinite universe of unending transformation and grace.

Every living creature is a miracle blossoming in unique expression of the exquisite perfection of Being.

Your life is a masterpiece created by the divine Artist: every moment is another inspired brush-stroke.

Give thanks and rejoice!

Remember why you took birth on this planet in this form.

You were not born to be alone and weak and frightened and helpless.

You were born to give your soul the freedom to grow, to dance, to shine.

You were born to fulfill your purpose, to quicken the evolution of human consciousness.

You were born to inhabit your divine nature as a true child of immortal bliss.

Remember that the greatest power lies in peace.

Stillness and silence connect you to the infinite source that is your true nature.

This source is the boundless peace that holds and enables everything so tenderly.

It  is the tranquil, joyful grace that is the foundation of all that exists.

Dive deep into yourself, find this peace and never let it go.

Remember that love is the key, the energy that fuels the entire universe.

Be love- and you can be trusted to nurture, care for and protect all things.

True love is unconditional, total, divine.

Once  you have tasted it, nothing else will satisfy you.

Once you have found it in yourself, you will see it everywhere.

“The eye wherein I see God  is the same eye wherein God sees me; my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one vision, one knowing, one love.”~ Meister Eckhart

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Growing Into The Light

 (dedicated to Mihir and Tarini, my greatest inspiration and joy, truly the light of my life!)

"Freedom is so much deeper, more substantial, and more precious than we are led to believe.Resistance is what gives us vitality and sovereignty, enabling us to stay numinous and nourished, even when there is skepticism, despair and destitution around us.The idea is to resist in order to grow, breaking through barriers of dogma like a stray plant breaking through hard concrete, and to keep growing and growing and occasionally blooming.”  From Despite Dogma: Roots of Resistance | by Tarini Dhar Prabhu | Dec, 2021 | Medium

Break out of the mind matrix: be your own truth.

You were born to break free, to cast off the shadows and shine!

Resist the lies, the layers of deceit, the masks.

Do not give in to “this is how it's always been” and “ this is all there is.”

The majority view, the accepted view, the brainwashing – these are the blinders that keep you imprisoned in ignorance, in the slavery of conformity and  hopeless belief in the status quo.

This is what traps you in the false, a surface illusion that hides the truth of Being, the very essence of existence.

True clarity comes only from the deepest part of you:  your gut, your heart, your soul.

“I work with children. I see their bright and sparkling eyes shine up at me. I see the love and joy and hope and resilience in those who have suffered so much so young. It leads me to believe that the kingdom of heaven must be created here on earth. That the divine warrior lies within each and every one of us.  How do we access this tremendous power and creativity inside us? More importantly, how do we change the world?"  Mihir Dhar Prabhu, Changing the World – Truthforce (

The greatest treasure in your life is your own innermost truth – find it!

It will be your inspiration, your infallible guide, your light and your strength.

It is the perennial source of infinite wisdom, transcendent joy and unshakable peace.

It is the divine life-force that you were born with, your very own piece of God.

No one can give this to you; you have to dive deep and seize it for yourself.

Then you will discover who you truly are and see clearly, at last.

Here you will find your perfect stance, effortless balance and fluid harmony.

Flowing from this center, all your actions will be natural and right.

From this root, your highest self will emerge.

Like a great tree rising from a single tender shoot, you will grow gladly into the Light.

"The whole idea of life is to live freely; to look through space freely, having nothing to hide or conceal; allowing the light of truth to shine from within and the light of the sun without; light all around, no shadow of any kind hindering the light which is the soul of every being.” Hazrat Inayat Khan