“Look, it cannot be seen - it is beyond form.
Listen, it cannot be heard - it is beyond sound.
Grasp, it cannot be held - it is intangible.
These three are indefinable; therefore they are joined in one.
From above it is not bright; from below it is not dark:
An unbroken thread beyond description.
It returns to nothingness.
The form of the formless,the image of the imageless,
It is called indefinable and beyond imagination.
Stand before it and there is no beginning.
Follow it and there is no end.
Stay with the ancient Tao,
Move with the present.
Knowing the ancient beginning is the essence of Tao.” Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching
The invisible is the source and substance of the visible.
The formless is the origin of all form.
Nothing is the mother of everything.
The true void is the very essence of the Way.
A divine mystery unfolds as this vast universe.
How wondrous are the infinite creations of Nature!
Exquisite perfection flows forth from atomic emptiness.
Marvellous existence is the effortless expression of the Way.
Every soul is always longing for the truth.
Every circumstance that arises is a gift.
Life teaches you all that you will ever need to learn.
Destiny is the supreme compassion of the Way.
The wisest and greatest power of all is silence.
Dwelling in the here and now is grace.
Acting without doing is elegance born of humility.
Living the teaching is the perfect practice of the Way.
When tranquil mind reflects reality faithfully,
The Heart blossoms in a fountain of blissful peace.
With the right eye, all that you see is sacred;
Enlightenment is the natural flowering of the Way.