Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Seed

The seed of intention planted in the space behind the mind inevitably bears fruit of its own accord.
Conscious, positive intention produces positive results.
Unconscious, negative intention produces correspondingly negative results. Karma!
It’s as simple as that. So be sure you chose the right seed.
The seed born of intuition grows into a powerful , unstoppable force.
It commands the power that forms the universe and attracts all it needs for growth ,without effort,without fail. Infinite energy works unceasingly and automatically to deliver perfection.
It’s everyday magic…that keeps all creation going.
To reach this space behind the mind, be aware of the empty sky that is the background of thoughts and emotions ......they appear, change shape, float and disappear like the clouds.The sky remains untouched, unchanged. You are not the are the sky.
There , you will discover that total emptiness is absolute fullness.
All feelings of failure, disappointment, negativity disappear like mist before the sun.Here ,in this infinitely fertile sky of creation, plant your seed.
Perfection blossoms like a lotus flower.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Song of Infinity

We have all taken birth to re-discover our own true nature.
Why is this important?
Perhaps because it leads to the cessation of suffering. To true and permanent fulfillment.
To joy beyond measure and that peace that surpasses all understanding.

Why have we allowed this tickertape of thought to clatter non-stop and block all our deeper senses? Why have we reduced our experience to this flat, tasteless realm, denying ourselves the richness, the depth, the supreme perfection that is our birthright and our very being?

If you can dive deep into your own mind, deeper than thought or feeling or words, you will find the root of all creation: the source of frequencies that give birth to the vibrations that create everything. In the beginning was the Word. OMMMM
If you reach that silent space behind the mind..if you can listen with heart and gut and will hear the elemental chorus...the song of the Universe.
Ahhh...once you hear the music of earth and air, water and fire, their perfect harmony...your intoxication will be total, every cell in your body becomes a words can begin to describe this.
Fortunately, enough human beings down the generations have experienced this music of the spheres, Nature's original song...and borne witness to its splendour.
From this source, all creation - and all music - is born.
"Listen, and feel the beauty of your separation, the unsayable absence. There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with it. Give more of your life to this listening. As brightness is to time, so you are to the one who talks to the deep ear in your chest. I should sell my tongue and buy a thousand ears when that one steps near and begins to speak." Rumi

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A flower falls

Today I saw a flower fall. Perfect white plumeria blossom wafting slowly down on the breeze. To lie on the side of the road before my feet. Even in dying, its fragrant beauty lends splendour to this dusty street.
In the warm Bangalore springtime, trees are a riot of flowers ..yellow and purple and red and lilac and white. Little flowers, big flowers..all bursting with joy and the sheer delight of being.
So ephemeral an existence? To blossom and dance a few brief days, trembling on the wind. .
And yet..the very briefness of its existence creates eternity.
Eternity in the it shines in such perfect splendour, delighting heart and eye,lending its tiny unique voice to the perfect chorus of Nature's harmony.
Eternity in the silent continuity of its existence... for every flower that falls, a new one blooms; and, when the season ends and all the flowers are gone....the earth wheels on its course until spring returns and every flower leaps into another glorious rebirth.
I may live to be 70..or 80. The sun will die in 5 billion years.
Thank you, sweet plumeria blossom, for being my guru today.
My life..or the life of the as ephemeral..and as yours.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Just Another Day

"Just another day. Same old same old."
How many times have I said or thought that? And committed the terrible crime of wasting a precious day!
Every day is a gift..another perfect opportunity to experience the wonder , the magic, the simple exquisite perfection of it all.
Be NOW...for tomorrow never comes.
Every morning when I wake up, I take a few seconds to look out the window at the sun and sky and trees...and thank God for another day dawning, another chance to feel the magic in the ordinary everyday world.
Shift into solar plexus gear.
Look with the right eyes. See from the heart.
Experience the world around you from your gut, not your mind..what a difference it makes!
Escape the trap of thought, the filter of beliefs and feelings and memories.
Every leaf, every grain of dust, every creature is magic!

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Guru Mother River

I sat long quiet hours by the banks of this river...and learnt many lessons from her.
I watched her changing dawn, in the slanting late afternoon sunlight, at sunset, at midnight. I heard her many voices murmur secrets to sky and wind.
I saw how earth and water, light and air dance together in perfect harmony. Felt the peace of perfection, the joy of being. And heard the One true song.
Now all I do is sing quietly along, with every breath I take, every beat of my heart.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Secret Brother

He was with me in the womb, my secret brother, curled up like a Siamese twin beside my embryonic form. When I was born, he was inside me like a second heart, beating to his own unique rhythm, infinitely unfathomable.
As a child, he visited me in daydreams and, sometimes, at night. His face was my face…a twin within. He was my hidden confidant, witness to every tiny facet of my life.
All my life he has lived within my skin and whispered to my soul. For a long time, as a young man, I ignored I have learnt to pay him heed.
He is my brother, Death.
One final day, driven by suffering deeper than fear, I looked into his eyes and fell like a stone into the abyss of his gaze. In that eternal emptiness, I lost name and form, mind and speech, thought and memory and dream...all dissolved like mist in that silent stillness.
A vast and perfect peace was all that my brother and I embraced and were one.
Unless I embrace death, I can never know Life fully...never experience the awe and the wonder and the magic of it all.
Now my brother sits always upon my left shoulder and whispers in my ear...wordlessly, he tells me his stories; voiceless, he sings me his songs.
He gives me the gift of infinity and eternity - right here and right now!


We know these facts:
Life is short.
Old age and suffering are inevitable aspects of corporeal existence.
Death is certain.
So we all seek meaning.
Meaning in love, in life and living...answers to the existential question...what is it all about?
The answers I found:
There is only one energy pervading everything, and this energy is conscious, intelligent, eternal and omnipotent.
This energy simultaneously exists as every separate entity: it is a tree, it is an ant, it is a mountain, it is a planet, it is a man, a dog , an elephant, a rock….and yet! It is always the whole.Always perfect.
Every human being…by birthright as a human being.. is one with this energy: only the illusion created by the mind makes him/her feel like a separate entity.
Meditation helps the human being to make a choice: to identify with the limited “little” self of the ego or to dissolve back into the formless Energy that is everything.
Every moment contains Eternity: we live only in the eternal present.
 Past and future are illusions: the past is dead and gone, the future is still unborn; when it is born, it is the present.
Learning is only a burden and a barrier: experience is the only reality.
I must return to innocence: just be. No mind.
Compassion is not a choice. Once I am one with all there is, whatever suffering is experienced by any living entity is equally mine! Compassion is automatic.
The experience of being ONE with all there is generates a resonance at the deepest level of Being . In my breath, in my blood, in the marrow of my bones, in my heart and spirit, I feel the LOVE that is the source and the substance of all things. The air, the sky, the water, the earth, the trees and leaves and birds and beasts and fishes and insects and human beings…all are made of this wondrous and perfect ONE LOVE.
It is a love without measure or limit, without reason or reward, without barrier or condition or definition.
Once you experience this love as your very being, there is no chance of ever losing it.
Once you have tasted it, nothing else will ever satisfy you.