Sunday, April 20, 2008

A flower falls

Today I saw a flower fall. Perfect white plumeria blossom wafting slowly down on the breeze. To lie on the side of the road before my feet. Even in dying, its fragrant beauty lends splendour to this dusty street.
In the warm Bangalore springtime, trees are a riot of flowers ..yellow and purple and red and lilac and white. Little flowers, big flowers..all bursting with joy and the sheer delight of being.
So ephemeral an existence? To blossom and dance a few brief days, trembling on the wind. .
And yet..the very briefness of its existence creates eternity.
Eternity in the it shines in such perfect splendour, delighting heart and eye,lending its tiny unique voice to the perfect chorus of Nature's harmony.
Eternity in the silent continuity of its existence... for every flower that falls, a new one blooms; and, when the season ends and all the flowers are gone....the earth wheels on its course until spring returns and every flower leaps into another glorious rebirth.
I may live to be 70..or 80. The sun will die in 5 billion years.
Thank you, sweet plumeria blossom, for being my guru today.
My life..or the life of the as ephemeral..and as yours.

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