Sunday, June 15, 2008


Forgiveness is a much-misunderstood term. It is not just about pardoning someone or something for some perceived hurt or sin.
Why is forgiving others so much easier than forgiving oneself?
Perhaps it is because the false self foisted upon you by the years of growing up is filled with negativity, with fear , guilt, despair, regret.
Become aware that this self you find so hard to forgive is only a phantom, an unreal bundle of tortured memories that you keep alive by identification.
True forgiveness implies , at the deepest level of being, feeling one with that which is forgiven. When you finally understand that you are truly one with all there is, who is there to forgive or be forgiven?
Forgiveness is the fragrance of discovering who you really are.
The ecstatic scent of total surrender.


man in painting said...

Great!How true!Consciously or unconsciously we are all haunted by "phantoms in the brain"Only by giving total rest to brain we will feel what freedom is.For that we have to forgive ourselves from moment to moment.

Sayani said...

i read all your post and am happy to find ya!!!
forgiveness is a power only strong possess ....
am adding you without ur permission hope u don't mind ;)
good post

Sayani said...
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manohar prabhu said...

Thanks for your comments..I enjoyed your blogs as well.

Casperbaba said...

ahhh... so true sir.. so very true....

Anonymous said...

To forgive-One must forgive his/her past deeds and scars completely replaying it in your mind that whatever happened in the past,even if it was shitty one,they were indeed the finest minures that helped you grow.
Forgiveness is freedom.When you forgive you liberate yourself from the slavery of mind,you begin to strectch out and see love everywhere,you experience a broader extensions of your self.