Monday, October 20, 2008


There is a sunburst in my chest ,a song of haunting glory sweeping like a wave through my flesh, my blood, my bones.
The dark veil has fallen from my eyes: Light dances everywhere.
In the clear blue of this sky, there is no room for doubt or pain or fear.
Death disappears before these rays like fog before rising sun.
My breath is a trumpet of praise, my heart a thunder of gratitude .. such grace, such gifts, such unbearable ecstasy!
I melt unendingly in an ocean of unconditional love.
My soul gasps in wonder at the borning of the ONE , blossoming like a lotus from the roof of my head.
Freedom is a bell resounding in my Being.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Bee

My mind buzzes like a bee in its frantic search for new and different nectars.
I tasted all the pleasures and they all taste of dust.
I read all the sacred books and found only empty words.
I chanted all the mantras and found only delusion.
I visited all the Heavens and Hells and found only mirages.
I discovered all the Gods and Goddesses were just clay.
Until, one destined day, I drank the wine of emptiness and my besotted mind fell still.
The bee stopped buzzing around from flower to flower.
At last it dissolved in the Heart-lotus, drowned in the nectar of Being.

Nothing but perfection remains.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dive Deep

When the attention dives inward, mind-chatter sinks and dissolves in the Heart.
This results in stillness.
Stillness is the Heart, the eternal, ever-present beginning, the place of rest, renewal and re-birth.
When attention re-surfaces, the clouds of thought and feeling vanish before the rising sun of Self.
Empty blue sky expands into infinity.
 The clear mirror reflects original truth.
The sweet scent of sat-chit-ananda fills the void.
Outer and Inner become one.
Everything is radiant with magic once again.
This Heart is your true home, your being .
Stay here - and all will be well.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Hunter

Become the hunter. Hunt the I-bird that is the creator of your reality.

This I-bird that comes alive every morning, whose cries and brilliant plumage re-create your world, where does she nest?
Track down this illusion of thought and name and form, emotion and memory, smoke and mirrors, that is the source of your universe.

At night, when sleep comes, this I –bird disappears.
 Instantly, the world disappears…there is only void, blankness, emptiness.
On waking, the I-bird leaps up…and the world is born again.

Set the one who never sleeps, the Witness, to track this I-bird.
Through his eyes, follow the secret breath within the breath.
At the verge of sleep, see where the I-bird settles and dissolves into the source within your chest.

This is the Heart…from where all the worlds arise and where they dissolve again.
This is the source and the substance of all things.
Once you find this Heart, you disappear.
Only the Self remains.... silent, blissful, tranquil and eternal.