Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Hunter

Become the hunter. Hunt the I-bird that is the creator of your reality.

This I-bird that comes alive every morning, whose cries and brilliant plumage re-create your world, where does she nest?
Track down this illusion of thought and name and form, emotion and memory, smoke and mirrors, that is the source of your universe.

At night, when sleep comes, this I –bird disappears.
 Instantly, the world disappears…there is only void, blankness, emptiness.
On waking, the I-bird leaps up…and the world is born again.

Set the one who never sleeps, the Witness, to track this I-bird.
Through his eyes, follow the secret breath within the breath.
At the verge of sleep, see where the I-bird settles and dissolves into the source within your chest.

This is the Heart…from where all the worlds arise and where they dissolve again.
This is the source and the substance of all things.
Once you find this Heart, you disappear.
Only the Self remains.... silent, blissful, tranquil and eternal.

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