Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I was

I was hungry - only because I was blind to the wondrous fruit you spread around me.
I was thirsty- because I ignored the water of eternal life you gifted me.
I was lonely - because I forgot that I was connected to every living being in the universe.
I was sad - because I expected joy from the outside and never looked within.
I was afraid - because I did not see that there was nothing ever to be afraid of.
I was in despair - because I was deaf to the voice in my soul that could make me free.
I was insane - because I let my mind run wild and never found the vast peaceful space behind it.
I was dead - because I was too timid to live totally and fully in each moment.
Now I am.
In every moment, alive, aware, awake.
And that is more than enough !

1 comment:

Sayani said...

may be thats the another meaning of "awakening"