Sunday, November 9, 2008

Death , Where is Thy Sting?

Today in my meditation ,as I entered that perfect, silent bliss of the empty state, the witness watched  the ego-mind complex collapse into nothing.
This witness is that inner core of myself that never sleeps, who observes faithfully, without judgment or reaction, all my states : waking, dream, deep sleep or meditation.
The witness is but a construct…it, too, dissolves into the Self, when one sinks in total surrender into the Infinite Universal Divine. Just as the stick used for prodding the burning logs of the funeral pyre is itself eventually consumed by the flames.
Death is the key.. the only doorway to rebirth in the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is the great secret, the Philosopher’s Stone of the alchemists, the Samadhi-pill of the yogis, the eye of the needle that is the gateway to eternity.
No wonder all the great Masters of every religion and culture said the same thing:
Die before the body dies, say the Taoists.
 Death of the ego-self is the only way, say the Advaitins.
Resurrection comes after crucifixion, says Christianity.
Surrender your little self to the Divine, said the Sufis.
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him! Said the Zen masters. Also , be a dead man, totally dead: then all will be well.
Immortality is freedom from the fear of death.
Every living creature dies every day in deep sleep, gratefully resting in the nourishing waters of emptiness to recharge the spirit with Life-force.
Every meditator is dying a little death when he switches off his mind in daily meditation.
Meditation is the state of waking sleep : when the mind switches off but the witness continues to observe.
Thus we experience that death is a great treasure, a gateway to infinity and eternity.
We taste this treasure with our meditation. Only the ego-mind complex dies: revealing the true glory of our own true nature.
We drop our little selves and feel our Oneness. No more fear!
Welcome, my friends , to Paradise!
Here and Now.
Everywhere and Forever.

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