When we dream, all that happens in the dream seems totally realistic...we feel and experience it as if it was actually happening.
When we awaken, we realise it was a dream.
When we watch a movie with total absorption, we experience all that happens in the movie as real, even though we know its just moving images of actors on a screen.
Our so-called everyday reality is equally a dream, a movie...only, it's longer and seems to have continuity over time.
Once we awaken to our true nature, we see that all that we thought of as reality is a highly sophisticated holographic projection created by our own minds.
Awakening from all the dreams is understanding that its all a giant multi-dimensional movie..created by the stored information in our brains that acts like a strip of film, lit up by the reflected Light of the Self, projected through the lens of the senses on the screen of Space-Time.
Once I am so awakened, I see the images as images, not reality...and experience, beyond all shadow of doubt, the ONE energy that is the source and the substance of everything.
What does this actually mean?
My life continues as normal, I go through my everyday motions, I eat and walk and touch and see and hear and act...without getting sucked into identifying with all that I experience.
And, with a thrilling ecstasy coursing through every fibre of my being, I become the miraculous wonder of the ONE playing at being the many.
I let go of the outer and focus on the inner. I chose the magic rather than the illusion.
No more "I" ", "experience" or " objects of experience"...just the endless play of Light and shade weaving its mystery through it all.!
Why do this?
Because it is exquisite perfection- eternal, infinite and awesome in its magnificence.
And losing myself in this perfection is bliss beyond all description, embedded in an ocean of endless love and peace.
What better way to live can there possibly be?