Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fair Trade

Trade your speech for silence, your cleverness for wisdom, your pride for humility, your brilliance for simplicity.
Give up your learning and your knowledge: they are just useless clutter preventing you from experiencing openness and receptivity.
Give up all concepts and pre-conceived notions: be blank and empty.
Give up your claims to virtue and greatness and sainthood: they are just chains that bind you.
Before anything else, just BE.
In the daily humdrum, take that pause, stop to breathe, to feel, to see..... once you can do this, you inherit eternity.
Once you open your eyes, the passing old man, the dog on the sidewalk, the crow cawing on the neem tree, the wind in your hair...all become gurus who help you understand what its really all about!
There is only ONE. You are it.
 So is everyone and everything else.
From the smallest atom to the greatest galaxy, everything is made of Love and Light.

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