Friday, April 20, 2012

Glad Gratitude

Awakening every morning, my heart gives thanks for this new day.
With every breath I take, I sing praise to the Mystery, and am grateful for the miracle of life.
Every night before I fall asleep, I thank the Universe for its never-failing care and much to be thankful for in all my 57 years. From my heart, I thank all the many living beings...people, animals, rivers, trees, mountains , seas...who have blessed me with love and compassion.
Above all, I give thanks to the Great Ones for opening my eyes: now,wherever I look, I see the beauty and the magic underlying everything and marvel at the wonder of it all.
This world is a trick...a Hall of Mirrors. The eye's the thing: everything changes depending on which eye you see through.
Sad  eye sees only gloom and depression.
Fearful eye sees terror and despair.
Angry eye sees threats and violence looming.
Paranoid eye sees Hell all around.
Selfish eye sees only problems in a sea of self-pity.
Open heart eye sees the true infinite love and joy that is the source and the substance of everything.
Hallelujah! Praise be!
What can I fear or feel sad about if I am infinity?

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