Saturday, May 4, 2013

To The Lord of Love

Older than Time, he is newborn in every heart,
every leaf on every tree is his message, he cries with the voice of every creature, great or small.
Every moment is his heartbeat, every ray of light, his smile.
Smaller than an atom, greater than the cosmos, who can know his hidden play?
Tongue-tied, how can I find the words to describe his glory?
When silence speaks the clearest, how must I speak in its empty voice or sing its still song?
Ah! awestruck and dumb am I , for I saw his shining face in the space within the Heart.
I melted in the heat of his gaze.
Like a magnet draws iron filings, he drew the flotsam and jetsam that is me into his ever-forgiving and ever-loving embrace. There, all dissolved into Him, into everything.
No more I: only this ocean of blissful love!
OM shanti shanti shanti he.

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