Sunday, December 22, 2013


In humble surroundings, with no fanfare or fuss, innocence is born to redeem the world. 
Watched over by the liquid gaze of dumb beasts, the light of Life flickers and thrives at his mother’s breast.
Three wise kings from the East kneel before the babe, for they know who he truly is- a pure spark of God.
Let that stable be re-created in your innermost heart. 
Let the star of revelation shine overhead as the light of your own Christ-nature is born within. 
Then you will see that this light of love is in everyone and in everything; indeed it pervades the whole universe.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you...and within all.

Love is the key...can you look upon all the world with love?

Understand the inner meaning of this Christmas and celebrate the birth of the Divine within.

Allow the Lord of Love to be born again in your own heart. 
Then you will truly experience that infinite joy and that deep oceanic peace that is beyond all understanding.

Merry Christmas!May you be truly blessed this festive season!

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