Saturday, March 26, 2016

Return to the Source



"Come, Come, whoever you are  - wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving! Even though you have broken your vows a thousand times - come! Ours is not a caravan of despair." Rumi
Consider your Source! Conceived as a single cell in your mother’s womb, you were gloriously divine, a spark of God-stuff. When you were born, naked and crying, you were still totally divine, formless infinity manifesting in the magical play of life.
And now? Covered with layer upon layer of  brain-washing,like a concrete shell,  you cry out in despair!  Is it anyone’s fault that you wandered away and got lost in an illusion of suffering and sorrow?
Listen, my friend! You are always divine. Just drop the layers, shatter the conditioning, break out of your self-created cage and be free! 
Stop this futile outward pursuit and turn your attention within. Find your divine origin, your source…it shines like the sun in your Heart.Returning to this source, you are going home to infinite, immortal, eternal awareness-bliss. This is the divine spark, the Self, that you always are.
Wake up from your nightmare, o child of grace! Now, before your body dies….seize this precious lifetime and find your true Being.
Come home to the Divine…your source and your goal.Be the Self and be happy and free!
( Picture by Meenakshi..the Source- Acrylic on canvas)

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