Sunday, March 12, 2017

Total Surrender

“ When you silence the mind and get yourself out of the way, reality shines forth effortlessly.” Robert Adams

When you reach that point
Where you can let go of everything,
And stand naked and humble before God
In absolute surrender-
Ask for nothing, want nothing, be nothing!
Say only “ Thy will be done”
and wait in total stillness and silence of mind
with no expectation or doubt or fear,
just bow before the sharp sword of truth
and gladly offer up your head;
Then, and only then, can you enter
The kingdom of heaven.

“Heaven is not a country or a continent; it is a state, a condition within oneself, only experienced when the rhythm is in perfect working order. If one knows this, one realizes that happiness is man's own property. Man is his own enemy: he seeks for happiness in the wrong direction and never finds it. It is a continual illusion. Man thinks, 'If I had this or that I should be happy for ever', and he never arrives at happiness because he pursues an illusion instead of the truth. Happiness is only to be found within, and when man tunes himself he finds all for which his soul yearns within himself.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

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