Friday, August 3, 2018

It Takes A Hero praise of all the unsung heroes and heroines who face their demons so bravely every day!

It takes a hero

To stand firm, alone, in the fiercest of storms, anchored only by Truth,

To face the world with courage and oneself with honesty,

To look pain straight in the eye and still be able to fashion a glorious destiny from the shards of shattered dreams,

To hold to one’s faith unshaken despite all odds and obstacles,

To love totally and unconditionally, giving all from one’s heart, yet asking nothing in return,

To live each day with childlike wonder and serve gladly, without needing to rule or control;

To find the divine treasure that only the pure of heart can find.

It takes a hero to be humble,

To let go of everything in total surrender and be nothing,

To let oneself sink deep into the Silence in the Heart,

To rest in the Self - unmoving, unchanging,

To know the joy of stillness and the bliss of unity,

To willingly dissolve, without a trace left behind,

in the infinite ocean of the Unknowable.

It takes a hero

To be.

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