Friday, June 14, 2019

Who You Really Are

“ Your innermost sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable from stillness.
It is the I Am that is deeper than name and form.” Eckhardt Tolle.

Like the forest fire burns dry grass, jnana burns up the ego and all the vasanas.

This reveals the great truth that there is only One who is everything.

Once you know this One, you will see His light shining in every living being.

Who sees through your eyes, hears through your ears, breathes through your nose, feels through your heart?

Who is the sleeper, the dreamer, the thinker, the doer?

Who is that silent, pure presence, that still, shining Witness in your depths?

Seek this One who throbs as your very Self.

Throw away the mask of name and form, the illusion, the story.

Be still, turn inwards, dive deep within;
 behold the Light that shines as the very core of your being!

This is the wish-fulfilling tree, the fountain of immortality, the boundless peace that is beyond time and space.

This is the incorruptible, blemishless treasure of Grace.

This is the infinite, eternal perfection of Divine Brahman.

This is who you really are.

“As rivers, flowing down, become indistinguishable on reaching the sea by giving up their names and forms, so also the illumined soul, having become freed from name and form, reaches the self-effulgent supreme Self. “ – Mundaka Upanishad.

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