Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Abide as the Self

“Perfect humility tends to the annihilation of self. Grace is from God and works in the depths of the soul, whose powers it employs. When the Divine Light penetrates the soul, it is united with God as light with light.” Meister Eckhardt

“As, in your mother’s womb, you dwelt unattached to anything else, so too, sink into the womb of the Heart and dwell in the Self alone. Where all the holy scriptures end, there tranquil Self- abidance begins!” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi.

Who can speak of this ecstatic peace, when none remains but the Self?

When the river merges in the ocean, who is left to tell the tale ?

The space in the pot merges with infinite space when the vessel is shattered.

Devotion leads to humility; humility leads to surrender.

Surrender leads to merging with the Divine.

The illusion dies in the Real like mist disappears in sunlight.

Return to the Source and rest peacefully.
Nothing else needs to be done.

“The jnani takes his stand in the Self at all times, absolute, fearless. He does not think of the world as being different from himself.” Ramana Gita.

“ In the stillness of the mind , I saw myself as I am : unbound, infinite! “ Nisargedatta Maharaj

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