Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Being Alive

"Through the eyes of jnana, this very world, which was seen as a hell of misery, will appear as a heaven of infinite bliss.” Guru Vachaka Kovai

If the world you perceive is filled with fear and suffering , is this living?
Have you discovered the art of staying rooted in peace?
Have you bathed in the fountain of divine bliss in the center of your being?

To be alive is to escape the veil of mind and experience life directly.
To be alive is to be alert, aware, conscious and total in every moment.

To be alive is to be in love with what is, to just BE, right here, right now.

Look into a baby’s eyes and you will see God looking back at you.
A baby is pure, innocent existence , untainted by ego, responding directly to reality.

The adult human being is covered with layer upon layer of concepts, thoughts, emotions, habits, fears and longings,memories and projections.
So much accumulated garbage clouding the original true nature!

Drop the garbage, slough off the layers and discover your Self.
Burn the veil of ego in the sacred flame in the Heart.
Return to the Buddha nature you were born with that can never be lost.

In that innocence rediscovered, your whole world will be filled with the light of Grace.
The eyes of the jnani blaze with this original and eternal Light.

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