Saturday, November 21, 2020

Paradise is Here and Now


“Except by the Lord’s Grace, which begins to function when one surrenders oneself completely at His feet with sincere devotion, the Self cannot be cognised merely by the skill of the mind. So subtle is the Reality. Heart, the source, is the beginning, the middle, and the end of all. It is never a  form, it is the light of Truth. The death of the mind drowned in Self-Consciousness is the eternal Silence. The real ‘I’ is the supreme Heart-Space, the great ocean of bliss.” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi, Guru Vachaka Kovai

Enough talk, enough words – throw all the books away!

Drop all your concepts and theories.

God is too subtle to be grasped by your intellect,

Yet  responds instantly to the heart-cry of loving surrender.

Unwavering, one-pointed devotion leads infallibly into the divine embrace that is infinite love and joy.

Stop searching for happiness in all the wrong places.

Everything you seek is already within you.

You are the only shadow that is blocking the Light;

Remove yourself for a second and see the glory that is your true, natural being!

Just rest in the Heart and perfection is  effortlessly revealed.

All doubt and fear, all sorrow and suffering will disappear like mist before the sun:

In that thought-free silence, only blissful peace exists.

So, be truly still – and enter paradise!

Right here, right now.

“Whatever it be that lights devotion in man’s heart and knits him closest unto God, that is the best thing for him here in time. Thou needst not seek Him here or there, He is no further off than at the door of thy heart; there He lingers, awaiting whoever is ready to open and let Him in. Thou needst not call to Him afar, He waits much more impatiently than thou for thee to open to Him. He longs for thee a thousandfold more urgently than thou for Him: one point, the opening and the entering.”   Meister Eckhart

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