Monday, March 22, 2021

I Just Sit


“The heavy is the root of the light.
The still is the master of unrest.
Therefore the sage, traveling all day,
Does not lose sight of his baggage.
Though there are beautiful things to be seen,
He remains unattached and calm.
Why should the lord of ten thousand chariots act lightly in public?
To be light is to lose one's root.
To be restless is to lose one's control.” Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching.

I just sit.

Like ever-devoted Nandi at the feet of Lord Siva, I sit in single-minded surrender.

Like Siddhartha beneath the bodhi tree, with unshakable purpose, I sit.

Like an idol carved from monolithic stone, unmoved by sun or wind or rain,

I sit untouched by fear or need, attachment or greed, doubt or desire.

By the Guru’s grace, beyond time and space,

beyond waking and sleeping, beyond living and dying,

firm as a mountain, I sit on the lion-throne of Self in the blossoming lotus of the Heart.

Just sitting, here have I found perfect rest: in stillness, in silence, in bliss.

There is nothing to do, there is nowhere to go, the poise of jnana is just this!

Upon the rising of this sun, the mind dissolves like mist. 

Simply being is my true nature – nothing else can exist.

So,  quietly,  I just sit.

“Higher than quietude there is no achievement; higher than quietude there is no effort; higher than quietude there is no tapas; higher than quietude there is no deathless life.” Sri Ramana Maharishi

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