Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wave or Ocean?

At the edge of a vast ocean,the waves make endless love to the land.
Each wave begins as a tiny swell, slowly rising higher and higher, finally curling in upon itself before crashing back down into the ocean it arose from, flattening up and spreading over the beach in a flurry of foam before retreating to mother ocean.
 And so again and timeless rhythm, primordial perfection.
My life is a wave...being born, growing,reaching a peak, finally returning through death back into the vast ocean I was born from.
At any point in time-space, is the wave ever separate from the ocean?
Does the wave have a unique, individual existence apart from the ocean? Or is it a brief expression of the ocean, creating a temporary illusion of individuality?
And, if my life-story is one wave, and yours is another, are we not the same at core, born from, formed of and returning to the same ocean?
Wait a minute! Who am I? Wave....or ocean?
Who would I rather be?

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