Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Why does everyone like the Tao so much? Isn’t it because you find what you seek and are forgiven your sins? Therefore, this is the greatest treasure of the universe.”
Lao Tsu , Tao Te Ching.

Tao is Grace,  the very substance of Brahman, pervading and surrounding all there is.
 It is the very form of the Guru, of God, of  the Self. It is the One.
No words can describe the perfection of the Guru’s grace.
Like the sun, it shines unceasingly on all, without discrimination.
My feeble attempts at sadhana are rewarded a thousand-fold!
 Like a mother, it accepts me totally and unconditionally with infinite love and tenderness.
It sees only the radiance of my Being and not the darkness of my ego.
For every step I take towards surrender, it takes a hundred steps towards me. It wraps me in a warm soft blanket of peace. It grants me the  gifts of courage and wisdom and understanding ; no emperor could be more generous!
Like light dissolves the darkness, it effortlessly dissolves all doubts and fears , dispels all shadows and sorrow, grants all blessings.
 It helps me dive deep within myself and find  stillness and silence and that ineffable joy that is the source of being.
 It lovingly embraces me in the Heart, allowing me to taste the ecstatic wonder of samadhi.
How could I ever have doubted its perfection, its absolute and total compassion, its serenity and strength?
I bow again and again to the Lightbringer,  the face of formless Brahman : Siva-Guru-Self.

My sweet and gracious Lord of Love….may I drown in Thee!

"The rise of the urge to seek for the 'I' is itself an act of Divine Grace. Once this urge gets hold of you, you are in its clutches. The grip of Divine Grace never relaxes and finally devours you, just as the prey in a tiger's jaws is never allowed to escape." Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi.

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