Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Jewel in the Lotus

When the mind is silent, we can experience ourselves and the universe directly - we can reclaim the wonder we all knew as little children.
All of us experience brief moments of magic, when the mind stops in an “aha!” moment, no thoughts, no words, just awe: when we experience the perfection of a sunrise or a flower or the hushed mystery of a forest , or  the infinite, unconditional  love  we feel when our baby smiles.
 However brief and fleeting these moments are, they are reminders of our true nature, our inherent divinity.
Every night,in the depths of dreamless sleep, we experience true peace and rest and rejuvenation, so that when we awaken once more to the ticker-tape world of the mind, we feel refreshed, our souls recharged by returning briefly to their source.
Om Mani Padme Hum.
Prince Gautama refused to accept that human existence is merely a fleeting process of birth, suffering, old age and death. He went through all manner of effort and struggle until, in total exhaustion, his mind stopped:  he found the treasure and became Buddha. When asked about his enlightenment he described it as “ the end of suffering.”
All the saints and sages and prophets who ever existed have been saying the same thing.
Were they all crazy?
How ironic that we assume the limitation of this brief and fleeting existence in a body and live our entire lives alone and afraid in the shadow of Death!
How sad that we waste our precious moments in pursuit of baubles instead of finding the pearl beyond all price that is right inside ourselves!
The search for God or peace or joy leads to the silence that is the source of the mind.
Whether the path chosen is through devotion, prayer, self-inquiry or selfless action, all paths eventually lead to this same silence.
This is the greatest gift we have been given as human beings: the ability to discover our infinite true nature and our intrinsic oneness with all creation.
This is your very core , the secret Heart that every human being is born with, the jewel in the lotus, the divine Self that is your birth-right and your treasure : Sat-Chit-Ananda…Being-Consciousness-Bliss.
All you have to do is dive within.
You are already divine: just awaken from the mind-dream and drink in the sunrise of the Self.

Don’t wait: do it now!

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