Monday, July 4, 2016

Being Love

“Love is a deep mystery. It is the blossoming lotus and the bee drunk with nectar. It is a vast ocean that contains all creation. It is that state of total unity where no trace of duality remains. It is infinite compassion, unshakable peace, ecstatic harmony. Once you have tasted it, nothing else will satisfy you. “
Lightsongs – the book.

What is love? 
Throughout human history, philosophers, poets and sages have attempted to define this term. Is it an emotion, a feeling, a quality of personality? Or is it more – a force, a power, a divine emanation?
Are there different kinds of love? The absolute infatuation of the lover and the beloved, the unconditional bonding between mother and child, the selfless devotion of the compassionate care-giver, the heartfelt surrender of the devotee – are these all different versions of love? Or are they but pale shadows, reflections of the sun in a puddle, just a glimpse of the real Love?
The sages and mystics tell us that love is the very form of the Divine, the source and the substance of all things. 
This love is the greatest power in the universe, containing within itself all good, all joy , all peace, all consciousness and all creative energy. It is infinite, eternal perfection, shining without effort and without volition.It is in you, the very centre of your being.
You cannot know or understand or feel this love with your intellect or any of your senses. You can only BE it.
All sadhana, all the spiritual paths, eventually lead to this same centre of being. Once you touch it, you will never let go…until you drown in it like salt in the sea.
When there is no separate ‘you’ left, there is only love.

( Picture Courtesy Karin Murad) 

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