Friday, September 23, 2016

The Heart Lotus

There is a place inside me where I am always at home,
Where I am always happy and loved and at peace.
Nothing and no one can take this away from me.
This is the throne of Being, the seat of “I am”.

Here I am never alone: I am One with all of creation.
Here I am infinite and perfect, invulnerable and invincible.
There is no past or future here, only an eternal present.
There is no thought here, no emotion, no drama, no excitement.

This is where the mind runs out of words, falls silent, disappears.
This is where my spirit rests and recharges itself in dreamless sleep.
From this centre, I draw infinite strength and wisdom and joy.
This is my anchor, my shelter, my sustenance and my support.

Smaller than an atom, yet greater than the greatest,
This is the pregnant emptiness of boundless space.
This is the true reality that underlies everything, the source and the substance of all things.
This is the unchanging divine awareness that shines eternally.

This is who I really am.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Prayer

In the depths of  being I glimpsed   a Jewel,
 the luminous splendour of the colourless Light of Emptiness.
My heart cried out this prayer:

Oh Lord without  name or form,
Oh perfect mirror who reflects all creation,
Thou secret in-dweller living embedded in all things ,
Let  your radiance embrace me that I may dissolve in you!

Thou mighty Infinity that contains and permeates all creation,
thou shining love and bliss that cannot be measured or described or contained-
swallow me whole and let me be One with You.

Oh Sun of suns, bless us all with your infinite grace!
O Father  who is the Source,
O great and tender Mother who cares for and sustains all ,
accept our total surrender , open your arms,
embrace these prodigal  drops returning at last
 to your ocean of eternal peace.

Om Shanti , Shanti, Shanti, Hee.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Lyrics for a tune:

Thoughts and dreams and fantasies drifting by
Nothing to grab or hold onto, empty sky.
I fall like a stone into myself, so deep inside
Deep down, down into silence, nowhere to hide.

I hear the sound of emptiness like a distant bell
Where the Light begins, beyond the beyond.
Somewhere sweet notes trickle down,no one to tell
Who is there to be the doer and what is done.
Here no time or space, no heaven or hell,
Only the One true Being singing an infinite song.
This is the border of the mystery, where I disappear;
This is my home, where I truly belong.