Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Prayer

In the depths of  being I glimpsed   a Jewel,
 the luminous splendour of the colourless Light of Emptiness.
My heart cried out this prayer:

Oh Lord without  name or form,
Oh perfect mirror who reflects all creation,
Thou secret in-dweller living embedded in all things ,
Let  your radiance embrace me that I may dissolve in you!

Thou mighty Infinity that contains and permeates all creation,
thou shining love and bliss that cannot be measured or described or contained-
swallow me whole and let me be One with You.

Oh Sun of suns, bless us all with your infinite grace!
O Father  who is the Source,
O great and tender Mother who cares for and sustains all ,
accept our total surrender , open your arms,
embrace these prodigal  drops returning at last
 to your ocean of eternal peace.

Om Shanti , Shanti, Shanti, Hee.

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