Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Mad Rush

Where are you rushing to in such a hurry?
You know this life is short, yet you hurtle on the highway of destiny to a certain death.
When you  know beyond doubt that all attainment, all achievement, all possessions and attachments are but dust, what is the point of all your frantic efforts ?
This blind pursuit of fulfilment is folly! Slow down!

Being is real – becoming is fantasy.
Infinity and eternity are right here and right now!
There is nothing to do: life flows by itself.
What needs to be done will get done.
Every heartbeat, every  breath you take bears witness to this.
If you would know true happiness, be still and discover Grace.
Like a dry leaf blown by a hurricane, the wind of Grace drives you inwards to the Self;
Like driftwood caught in a whirlpool, the current of Grace sweeps you deep within to the Self;
Like a moth drawn to a flame, the fire of Grace draws you in and melts you in the Self.
Nothing more needs to be done.
Rest as the Self - in perfect, blissful peace!

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