Monday, February 19, 2018

Jai Bhagavan!

Peace is our swabhava (nature). Just as a person who keeps a number of things in a room and then complains that there is no space in the room, we say there is no peace. Is not the space obtained automatically when the things are removed?”
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi

O Master of Silence, ocean of compassionate bliss, all Gurus, all Gods are in you.
You are the indwelling Self of everyone, the infinite, unchanging Brahman,
the Jewel shining always in the lotus of the Heart.

The very thought of you calms the raging storms of desire and fear; effortlessly, the restless mind is stilled.
Sinking deep within, the world disappears: there is only the boundless space that is you.

With endless compassion, you wipe away my tears and my suffering.
With infinite tenderness, you embrace me and enfold me in Love.
Like blazing sunlight, you dispel all ignorance and illusion.
Like soft moonlight, you clothe me in radiance and peace.

How can I even begin to thank you for the blessings you shower upon me, without measure or end?
Shine forever in my heart, sweet Lord of Grace: this is my only prayer!
May I forever know the ecstatic bliss and unshakable serenity of your Being!

O Bhagavan, may I forever be the dust beneath your feet!

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