Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Great Devourer

" Arunachala destroys attachment to worldly things."
"Until the mind has totally and permanently merged in its source, the less you use it, the better! "
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

O Lord of Mountains, your stillness is an infinite chasm that devours everything.
Devour my so-called knowledge, my stubborn opinions, my pride in my learning.
Destroy my boastful intellect and all its smug concepts.
Incinerate my ancient vasanas, my habits, my form, my story.

O Arunachala, swallow my ego, my mind, my attachments, my sense of individuality.
Rescue me from the illusion of time that traps me in the past and robs me of the eternal present.
Grant me the grace of being still in the thought-free peace and perfection that is you.
In the blaze of your compassion , melt me like steel in your forge.

Embrace me in your infinite Silence and let me be one with you.
Be merciful, great fire-linga, and clothe me with your Light.

O fiery Pillar of Brahman, sacred Arunachala, shine forever in my Heart!

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