Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Living and Dying

“To live fully is to be always in no-man’s-land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. So to live is  to be willing to die over and over again.” Pema Chodron

“You are not a sinner. You are not an evil person. Your past is dead, forget it.
 You're born again, now, and all is glory and joy. This is what it means to be born again, to realize that you exist now, in this moment.
 Not a moment ago, and never mind what's going to happen a moment from now, but you exist in this moment as pure intelligence, unqualified love, absolute reality, unconditioned oneness, that's you.
 You live in that reality. And again, that sets you free.”
Robert Adams

Do you want to know about living and dying?

First seek out the one who wants to know.

Be still, be silent.

Deep in the cave of Being,

When the ray of Grace sets the lamp of wisdom afire,

The hidden bud blossoms, the secret channel opens, the immortal nectar flows;

Truth is revealed with all the glory of a risen sun!

There is no witness left to describe the wonder of it all:

Only ecstatic bliss and a deep, unshakable peace!

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