Thursday, January 17, 2019

Inner Tandava

“Do not limit God to your virtue. He is beyond your virtues, O pious ones!” Hazrat Inayat Khan

Ecstatic in the bliss of Brahman, the Lord dances his tandava and destroys the whole universe. This is his blessing.

If you would be immortal, bow humbly before him and gladly offer him your head.

The greatest gift of this life is to awaken before this body dies, to burn in the fire of jnana before this body burns in the cremation fire.

Replace the thousand desires of samsara with the single, concentrated desire for the Divine. When your yearning for the Divine is total, then Grace will enter…and even this desire will drop away.

Stay alert and aware -remember! heedlessness is death.

Trust the words of the sages: discover who it is who desires, find out who you really are.

Deep in your being, the Self throbs like an undersea current of pure existence.

This too is the Lord dancing his tandava: this is the fountain of inner grace.

Cling to the current in the Heart; hold onto it unceasingly, flow into that inner ocean as long as this body lives.

Stay rooted in that changeless, blissful experience of unshakable peace.

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