Friday, January 4, 2019

The Tao of Tapas

“Sravana, manana, niddhidhyasana continue like ever-spinning wheels even for the jivan mukta …..tapas becomes his very nature.”
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi.

A still lake rests below the mountain, white lotus flowers scattered in profusion on its waters. On the banks, the trees are green with abundant life. Suddenly white wings flash as a heron flies up. 

Nature practices her tapasya effortlessly and constantly: her artistry is pure harmony. Nature is born of Tao.
Beauty, peace, perfection are found in the essence of all that exists: in that underlying Being that is the source and the substance of all things. 

When the mind is still and tranquil, it sinks into its source.
Merging with Being, it becomes Tao, the Self, sat-chit-ananda, existence-consciousness-bliss.

Resting in bliss in the depths of the Heart, staying forever rooted in the Self…..this is tapas.

Jnana vichara never ceases. Tapas is incessant.
With every breath you take, walking, eating, doing, sleeping -let your life be tapas. Stay unshakably rooted in the Self.
Then you will truly be one with Nature, one with Being.

Then you will be Tao.

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