Saturday, March 16, 2019


The Lord of Lords, the Guru who is the Self, the One, said: Be still!

If you would know Him, be quiet:
desire nothing, fear nothing, think nothing, do nothing.

With single-minded devotion, turn inwards and surrender unconditionally at His feet.

Like a heavy anchor, sunk deep in the bedrock, holds the ship safe even in the fiercest of storms, so Grace holds you in the Heart.

Here in this chamber of boundless space, the divine Dancer shines eternally as the Self.

Just take your stance in stillness, stay rooted always in pure existence, abide forever merged in the Divine.

Here the sacred flame dissolves you and distils the ambrosial bliss of the Self; who is left to taste this, when you have disappeared?

Listen, my friend!
This stillness swallows all the worlds and rests unperturbed in its own perfection.

All that exists


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