Thursday, August 8, 2019

Eternal Sunrise

"The seen is the darkness of ignorance; the seer is the light of wisdom.”
Adi Shankaracharya

The Upanishads cry out , “ Awaken from this sleep of ignorance! You are Brahman!”

For this body, life is short, death is certain – so use your time wisely!
Remember: the experience of the Self is deeply subtle – it is only available to a pure and silent mind.

To escape from the darkness of ignorance, turn your attention away from the seen and focus inwards on the seer.

Who is the life-force, the absolute essence of you?
Who experiences your waking state, your dream, your deep sleep?
Who dwells within you in the innermost cave of being?

When the mind, remaining conscious and aware, sinks deep in silence,
the heart-lotus blossoms in the fullness of infinite bliss.

Truth shines as the Self in that thought-free state of waking sleep.

For the one who abides firmly in the Self, there is only Light; how can darkness ever enter? 

Once the sun of jnana rises, it will never set again.

“One could cause God through alchemy.
But even if that God tells you something don’t believe it.
If I come in front of you, don’t believe it.
The Seer is most important. You are. That is most important.
Concentrate on the Seer, not on the seen.
All that you see is false and the Seer alone is true.
All knowledge you gather is useless, until you hold on to your Self.
You are the Truth, not what is being told to you, not what you see.”
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

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