Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Rest in the Self

Photo by Meena S.
“To the seer, all things have verily become the Self: what delusion, what sorrow, can there be for him who beholds that oneness?” – Isa Upanishad

That which exists in self-luminous splendour at the heart of every being,

That One who is the source of peace in deep sleep,

That mighty rider who tamed the wild stallion, mind,
That Lord of the Heart who is the ocean of compassionate Grace,

That fierce God who dances at the cremation ground where the ego burns-
Shiva, Brahman, Atman, Self - beyond all names and forms,

O fortunate devotees, prostrate at His shining feet always!

Here, all sorrow vanishes, all misery ends - the illusion of time and space dissolves.

Here there is only the solace of peace, the pure delight of just being.

Surrender with great love and devotion at the altar of the Self inside;
when you dissolve in that ocean, this whole universe becomes your playground!

Once the Self chooses you, a divine power takes over completely.

Give thanks, sing praises and dance in infinite bliss;

There is nothing more for you to do.

“ The illuminated one rests happily in the peace of the Self without thought of past and future. Simply witnessing the present every moment, such a one alone has cut the knot of bondage.” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi

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