Monday, November 4, 2019

The Fire of Jnana

“There is only One who is everything :see its Light shining in every living eye.
Like fire burns dry grass, jnana burns up all the vasanas.” Adi Shankaracharya

“Unless Thou extend Thy hand of Grace in mercy, I am lost, O Arunachala!”

Five Hymns to Arunachala, Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi.

By your compassionate grace, I touched the Heart-centre and tasted the ecstatic bliss of the Self- now nothing else will ever satisfy me.

O Lord! Like a drunkard longing for wine, like a babe longing for its mother, like a lover longing for the beloved, I long to be one with You!

Alas - all my efforts lead only to brief glimpses of the Self: how can I rest in It always?

Dropping identification with form is not easy; lifetimes of brainwashing and habit keep me firmly attached to the ghost of ego, the illusion of personality.
Seeing myself as the body-mind complex, I am caught in the limited dream of my current life-story.
I am addicted to doing, to enjoying, indulging, projecting, to dwelling in past or future but never being wholly present, here and now.

How do I escape these habit-patterns, these soul-destroying vasanas that cling to me through a thousand lifetimes?
How can I learn the art of staying still, silent, thought-free?
How do I dive deep into myself and find my true nature?

Stop toying with me, Lord, do not push me away: the ravenous winds of samsara will sweep me to my doom!
Save me from these savage vasanas that trap me in the nightmare illusion of endless rebirths.

Take my hand and embrace me – swallow me whole!
Burn me in the fire of Brahman once and for all.

Deham naham. Koham? Soham.
I am not this body. Who am I? I am That.
Before this body leaves you, you have to leave this body.
Consciousness is infinite and unlimited: limiting it within the body is an illusion.
You are consciousness.” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi.

“That which is consciousness alone, which is all-pervading, which is eternal, which is all-full, which is of the form of bliss and which is indestructible, is the only true Brahman (infinite consciousness).” – Varaha Upanishad

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