Tuesday, February 11, 2020

From Every Living Eye

“Those whose eyes are open do not need to go to a church and look at a picture or statue of the Lord. In the eyes of every infant, in the smile of every human being, they receive the blessing of Christ .If the eyes and ears are open, the leaves of the trees become as pages of the Bible. If the heart is alive, the whole of life becomes one single vision of His sublime beauty, speaking to us at every moment.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

In earth and air, water and fire, there is only One;
In you and I, in bird and beast and tree.
Transcendent love is the mother of all creation-
The nameless, formless father is the ultimate mystery!

In search of that source, I dived deep into being:
So still, so silent, that innermost Heart in me.
This is where I disappeared without a trace!
Here, in boundless bliss, nothing exists but Thee.

Dreams vanish like mist in the dawn of awakening;
Rooted deep in peace, at last I am free!
Everywhere, in everything, a divine Light shines;
From every living eye, God gazes back at me.

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