Saturday, October 3, 2020

Emperor's Child

“ If you completely surrender all your responsibilities to me, I will accept them as mine and manage them. Abandon the drama of the world and seek the Self within. Remaining within,I will protect you so that no harm befalls you.If you worship me by meditating on the excellence of my true nature, the greatness of your own true nature will well up in your heart. Seek my grace within the Heart – I will drive away your darkness and show you the Light. This is my responsibility. Like the children of an emperor, my devotees are heirs to abundant rejoicing.” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, from Padamalai by Shree Muruganar

Beloved Lord of my Heart, how did I ever come to deserve such great good fortune?

Perhaps I was with you in a past life when you dwelt at the Sacred Hill – as a seeker or a servant, a dog or a squirrel, a peacock or a monkey.

Surely only such a blessing could have granted me the priceless gift of being your devotee!

Clinging in surrender to your lotus feet in the Heart, all my sadhana ends.

No words can begin to describe the abundant grace you shower unceasingly upon me.

You embrace me with such tender love, bear all my burdens, guide and protect me;

like a benevolent monarch, you transform this worthless slave into a prince of the house!

Free of all cares, released from all suffering - like a raindrop falling into the ocean, I dissolve in your blissful peace.

My heart overflows with gratitude, tears of joy stream from my eyes.

Inside and outside, nothing exists but your Light.

“ Brahman, the attributeless reality, becomes the Lord of Love who casts his net of appearances over the cosmos while ruling it from within through his divine power. Before creation, he was; after dissolution, he will be. He alone is. Those who know him alone become immortal.” Shvetashvatara Upanishad.

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