Sunday, December 13, 2020

Again and Again


O Beloved, soaring, ecstatic music floods my being entire

as  You caress the strings of the lute of my heart.

Like the leaves a-quiver in the wind, like the flying sparks at the edge of a fire,

I dance and shimmer in the warm breath of Your art.

Though they say You dwell in splendour beyond the highest heaven, in secret,

You are right here, inextricably mingled with the air, with the rain and the sand.

Invisible, yet ever-present, You are the living power that pervades all creation 

In one sweeping, timeless rhythm, like the waves making love to the land.

Wherever I go, I find only You, whatever I eat, I taste only You; 

Your voice echoes in every cry,

Your scent is in the fragrance of every flower,

the light of Your gaze shines bright in every eye.

For this, and only this, did I come into existence:

No matter the tears and the pain,

Sweet Beloved, I would gladly be born a thousand million times

just to find You again and again.

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