Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy Birthday to the Unborn One

 ( Homage to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi on the 141st Jayanti Day)

“ You who wish to celebrate the birthday, seek first whence was your birth. One’s true birthday is when he merges with That which transcends birth and death – the Eternal Being.” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi.

At year’s end, the winter sun shines bright in a clear blue sky.

Sprung from water and fire, earth and air sing in perfect harmony.

My heart overflows with gratitude to hear such soulful delight.

All around me there is only your loving Light.

In ecstatic surrender, I melt in the radiance of your gaze.

With every fibre of my being, let me always sing your praise!

Be still and all will be well,  you said -

There is nothing else to know.

Beyond words and mind, beyond space and time,

There is nowhere else to go.

An indescribable spring of joy wells up inside me;

So cherished am I, so protected am I, so beloved am I, so blessed am I !

Om Bhagavan! Jai Bhagavan ! May this wonder never cease - 

May I dwell forever in your deep and perfect peace!

“Higher than quietude there is no achievement; higher than quietude there is no effort; higher than quietude there is no tapas; higher than quietude there is no deathless life.” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi. 
What is here called quietude is the state of stillness of mind. This can be achieved only by unceasing enquiry [vichara]. When the mind knows that in truth there is nothing to reject or to accept, it will lose its movements and will abide in supreme peace. Sri Muruganar, Guru Vachaka Kovai

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