Monday, June 28, 2021

Nothing More

 “Out beyond all ideas of right and wrong there is a field.
Beyond that field, there is a secret harbour.
Pack your bags! I’ll meet you there -
We’ll sail out together into the vastness, with only the breeze to guide us.”
Jalaluddin Rumi

The world of death and the world of immortality are separated by the thinnest of veils.

In every moment, you chose where you wish to dwell.

O child of immortal bliss, see clearly and choose carefully;

One choice leads to heaven and the other, to hell.

Lost in the fog of samsara, have you overcome all sorrow and grief?

Have you found  your innermost core that is a treasure beyond all price?

Listen, this human birth is a precious gift – do not waste it!

Dive  deep within your own being and find that unchanging bliss.

Tossed on this turbulent sea, can constancy ever be found?

Is there, somewhere, something to hold on to, some anchor that stays forever firm?

Like a child clinging to his mother, cling to the Jnani’s blessed feet.

Sinking deep in the Heart cave where only He shines,  just melt in the glow of that peace.

In the end, all the sacred books are only words – truth lies immeasurably beyond.

Stop doing, stop striving, be thoughtless, be silent, be still.

When your mind is a perfect mirror that reflects faithfully with no judgement,

The infinite divine will blossom  in all its glory .

Nothing more can be said.

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